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药学院 教学流动岗课程安排 日本富山大学今中常雄

日期 上课时间 地点 课时数 授课内容
开始时间 下课时间
9.20 2:00 5:30 2108 4 Biomembrane and the subcellular organization of eukaryotic cellsBiomembranes: structure organization and basic functions
Organelles and the eukaryotic Cell
9.27 2:00 5:30 2108 4 Transport across cell membranes
Overview of membrane transport proteins
10.11 1:30 5:00 2108 4 Active transport by ATP-powered pumps
 Regulation of cholesterol synthesis and transport
10.18 1:30 5:00 2108 4 Protein Sorting: Organelle biogenesis and protein secretion
Overview of the secretory pathway
Translocation of secretory proteins across ER membranes
Post-translational modifications and Quality control of proteins in the rough ER
10.25 1:30 5:00 2108 4 Biogenesis and function of lysosome
Receptor-mediated endocytosis and molecular mechanisms of vesicular traffic
11.1 1:30 5:00 2108 4  Biogenesis and function of mitochondria Biogenesis and function of peroxisomes
11.8 1:30 5:00 2108 4 ABC transporters and human diseases
Development of anti-trypanosomal drugs that target glycosome biogenesis
Adrenoleukodystrophy: pathogenesis and development of therapeutic procedure 
Tsuneo Imanaka (今中常雄)
Prof. Tsuneo Imanaka is Professor and Dean of Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Toyama.
In 1970s, he got his bachelor degree and master degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences at Hiroshima University(广岛大学). In 1985, he got his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Science at the University of Tokyo(东京大学). He has published 126 original articles, 18 review articles and 15 book chapters.
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